always: いつも
almost always: ほとんどいつも
generally: 普段
usually: 普段
normally: 普段は
frequently: 頻繁に
often: しばしば
sometimes: 時々
occasionally: たまに
rarely: 滅多にない
hardly: 滅多にない
seldom: 滅多にない
hardly ever: ほとんどない
almost never: ほとんどない
never: 決してない
1分に1回: once a minute
30分に1回: once every 30 minutes
1時間に1回: once an hour
3時間に2回: three times every three hours
1日に1回: once a day
3日に1回: once every three days
週1回: once a week
週2回: twice a week
週3回: three times a week
週4回: four times a week
1ヶ月に1回: once a month
半年に1回: once every six months / every six months / once in six months
1年に1回: once a year
4年に1回: every four years
4年に3回: three times every four years
3日ぶり: for the first time in three days
1週間ぶり: for the first time in a week
2週間ぶり: for the first time in two weeks
1ヶ月ぶり: for the first time in a month
半年ぶり: for the first time in six months
1年ぶり: for the first time in a year
5年ぶり: for the first time in five years
10年ぶり: for the first time in a decade
何年かぶり: for the first time in years
久しぶり: for the first time in ages
I came back here for the first time in three years.